Tahinis Blog

be a great server in any restaurant
Aug 02, 2021
As a server, there is a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. Beyond simply taking customers their orders, you need to be cordial; you represent the restaurant and you need to do that well.
How to succeed at running your own restaurant - tahinis
Jul 29, 2021
While it can be rewarding, running your own restaurant is not an easy task. You need all the help you can get and as a franchise owner, you will be given the support necessary to help you succeed. 
olive oil recipes
Jul 19, 2021
One of the mainstays of the Mediterranean diet is olive oil. It can be found in many of the sauces and is the main oil added to foods. Besides its unique taste, extra virgin olive oil has a high smoke point.
Middle eastern and mediterranean dips
Jul 16, 2021
It is easy to get lost in the numerous sauces and dips that the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine has to offer. They can be eaten on their own, used as ingredients in creating a whole new dish or eaten with bread or chips.
Middle eastern appetizers and snacks to make at home
Jul 08, 2021
Middle eastern appetizers are a healthy alternative to snacks and fast food. Here are some delicious foods you can find at the nearest Tahini's to you, or other Halal restaurants.
Halal food tahinis
Jul 02, 2021
Halal is an Arabic word that means permissible. In food terms, halal is that which has been deemed OK to eat according to the Muslim holy book, that is, the Quran. Halal food pertains to not just certain types of food and animals but how animals bred for meat are treated.